The City of Atlanta and The Mayor’s Office of Film & Entertainment (AMOFE) in partnership with United Way of Greater Atlanta present the Set South Production Assistant Training Program. This new workforce development initiative has been created to expand and diversify the local workforce in Atlanta.
The Set South Production Assistant (PA) Training Program will begin connecting underrepresented Atlantans to careers this fall. Through four weeks of training, the Set South PA Training Program, with curriculum and instruction from the Georgia Film Academy, will deliver set etiquette, standard practices, mock set experiences and much more. Every Set South graduate will be required to show up to set on time and ready to work.
Upon completion, AMOFE and The GFA will support students as they seek employment by providing alumni resources, mentorship and job placement.
Program Requirements:
• City of Atlanta Resident
• Valid Driver’s License
• 21 & Over
• Available to Work Full-Time
• Unemployed/Underemployed
We are so proud to showcase the work of the inaugural class of our Set South PA Training Program and excited to share the video featuring our first cohort of graduates – the best new PA talent in Atlanta!
Together, with our partners the Georgia Film Academy and the United Way of Greater Atlanta, and with the generous support of our sponsors, we were able to train and graduate 14 students. Our graduates have completed 160 hours of training including set etiquette, standard practices, mock set experiences and more, and have already begun working in our booming local film industry.
For more information, please feel free to contact:
Roberta Baker
Program Manager or 470-235-9162